Signup Begins Today for Our Study on Smart Energy System™ for CFS/FMS
Having found several new natural therapies to be very effective in our practice, we decided to do a series of four studies on them, the first three of which we have completed. The completed studies confirmed how effective these natural therapies are, as you can see in the study reports below.
- HRG80™ Red Ginseng study (download PDF): benefits in CFS, Fibromyalgia, and Post Viral Fatigue (pending publication)
- Recovery Factors® study 1 (download PDF): benefits in CFS and Fibromyalgia (published in The Open Pain Journal)
- Recovery Factors® study 2 (download PDF): benefits in Postviral CFS and Fibromyalgia (pending publication)
Invitation for Study Participants
We are now beginning the fourth and final study in this series, this one exploring the beneficial effects of "Smart Energy System™," a supplement that provides ribose (shown to increase energy an average of 61% in two previous studies), Ashwagandha, Rhodiola, Schisandra, Green tea extract, and licorice. We're pleased to announce that we're ready to begin this study now, and it can be done by participants easily from home with no blood testing required. This email explains what you need to know if you are interested in signing up to be a participant in this study.
I should point out that our invitation to join the HRG80 red ginseng study received so many responses that we reached our maximum limit of participant signups on the very first day we sent the invite. I suspect this study will also fill very quickly, maybe by today, as we are limiting it to about 120 people.
How to Be a Study Participant
- You can participate from home, but you must reside in the United States. There is no cost to be in the study, and you'll receive a free pair of the Smart Energy System supplement bottles to use in the study, and another free set if you request it after being in the study (our way to say thank you!).
- No testing is required. You'll just fill out an online Prestudy Questionnaire form that takes about 10 to 15 minutes to complete (online at
- Within 2 weeks after we receive your Prestudy form, we'll ship you the supplement. You'll take one scoop of ribose plus two Smart Energy System capsules a day for a week. Then, if you like, you can add a second dose at lunch (as feels best to you). You can continue with any other treatments you may be taking. Just don't start any new treatments for the month of the study (unless essential to your situation).
- Please begin taking the Smart Energy System supplement within a week after you receive it from us, and make a note of the specific date that you first begin taking it.
- About 4 weeks after you've been taking the supplement, you'll receive an email from us with a link to our Poststudy Questionnaire form. This will be a self-assessment questionnaire asking about your symptoms that we'll ask you to fill out and submit (it should take you only 15-minutes to complete). You should continue to take the supplement until you have submitted the Poststudy form (i.e., you will take the supplement for a minimum of 4 weeks plus possibly some number of days until you've submitted the form).
- After we receive your Poststudy form, we'll ship you another free set of the Smart Energy System (if you requested where asked on the Poststudy form) as our way of saying thank you for having been in the study.
It's as easy as can be!
Qualifying to Be a Participant
To qualify to be in the study you must meet the following criteria:
- 18-65 years of age.
- Not pregnant.
- Reside in the United States.
- Have a diagnosis of CFS or fibromyalgia. (This can be a self-diagnosis, which you can do by taking our CFS/FMS Checklist quiz.)
- Rate your overall well-being as 5 or less on a 0 to 10 scale (0 being "practically dead" and 10 being perfectly healthy).
- Not have hypertension.
Ready to fill out the Prestudy questionnaire? Click here to begin! Again, only the first 120 people to submit the Prestudy questionnaire will be accepted into the study.
Thank you again for joining us. You are helping us to help everyone with these conditions!
Love and blessings,
Dr. T
[Note: For those of you who want to learn more this supplement, but prefer not to be a study participant, you can find Smart Energy System™ here. For optimal effects, I would combine this with the Energy Revitalization system. In combination, these 2 supplements can often double your energy in a month. These can also be combined with the HRG80™ Red Ginseng and the Recovery Factors® used in our earlier studies.]
More About the Previous Studies
For those interested, below are the results for the last 3 studies:
Study on HRG80™ Red Ginseng
Below are the results of the HRG80™ Red Ginseng study. Note that this is a unique form of ginseng and that one chewable tablet a day worked fine for most people.
Results: 188 subject patients completed the one-month treatment trial. 60.1% of subjects rated themselves as improved, with 13.3% rating themselves as much better. Highly significant improvement was seen in all 7 categories. The 60.1% that improved showed a p <.0001 for each outcome measure as follows:
- 67 % average increase in energy
- 44 % average increase in overall well-being
- 48 % average improvement in mental clarity
- 46 % average improvement in sleep
- 33 % average decrease in pain
- 72 % average increase in stamina
Study on Recovery Factors®
Below are the results of the Recovery Factors® study (supplement available at the Recovery Factors website). This is a rather remarkable amino acid formula. About 60% of the study participants improved.
Results: 100 subject patients completed the treatment trial. 59% of subjects rated themselves as improved, with 13% rating themselves as much better. In the 59% of subjects who improved, significant improvement was seen in all categories:
- 79% average increase in energy (p<.001)
- 84.2% average increase in overall well-being (p<.001)
- 45.7% average improvement in sleep (p<.001)
- 52.2% average improvement in mental clarity (p<.001)
- 22% average decrease in discomfort (p=.001)
- 35.3% average decrease in anxiety (p<.001)
- 57.1% average improvement in digestive symptoms (p<.001)
- FIQR decreased from 61.9 to 39.3. (36.5%) (p<.001)

Jacob Teitelbaum, M.D. is one of the world's leading integrative medical authorities on fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue. He is the lead author of eight research studies on their effective treatments, and has published numerous health & wellness books, including the bestseller on fibromyalgia From Fatigued to Fantastic! and The Fatigue and Fibromyalgia Solution. His newest book (June 10, 2024) is You Can Heal From Long COVID. Dr. Teitelbaum is one of the most frequently quoted fibromyalgia experts in the world and appears often as a guest on news and talk shows nationwide including Good Morning America, The Dr. Oz Show, Oprah & Friends, CNN, and Fox News Health.