Bioidentical Hormones and Natural Alternatives for Menopause Relief

Published: February 28, 2025

Woman Fanning Herself

There has been an enormous amount of confusion about using hormones for menopause. Why?

Natural substances cannot be patented, so pharmaceutical companies often modify them into synthetic versions that they can patent and sell at extremely high prices. To promote these synthetic drugs, they invest tens of thousands of dollars per physician in marketing efforts, persuading doctors that these lab-created versions are just as safe and effective as the body’s own natural hormones.

But claiming that synthetic hormones are identical to natural ones is like saying salt and sugar are the same—when in reality, their effects on the body can be drastically different.

The bottom line? Hormones that are identical to those your body naturally produces—estriol, estradiol, and progesterone—can lower the risk of heart disease and, when estriol is included, are unlikely to increase breast cancer risk (and may even reduce it). This stands in stark contrast to synthetic and conjugated estrogens, which carry far greater risks. Simply put, bioidentical hormones are both safer and more effective, while synthetic alternatives can be harmful.

So why aren’t bioidentical hormones the standard choice? The main reason is financial—because they can't be patented, they’re far less profitable. Once synthetic estrogen went generic, the marketing push for it faded, but instead of being encouraged to switch to safer bioidentical options, both doctors and the public were misled into avoiding all estrogen altogether.

It is best to simply use bioidentical hormones if needed.

Good news on two fronts:

  1. Bioidentical hormones are now more accessible. Many are available at local pharmacies and are often covered by insurance. Drug companies have found ways to patent the delivery system, making all estrogen patches bioidentical. Additionally, the prescription medication Prometrium is a bioidentical form of progesterone.

  2. Lower doses can still be highly effective. Holistic physicians are discovering that even at very low doses, bioidentical hormones can deliver excellent results.

(You can read more articles on hypothyroidism and other thyroid issues at the section in my blog, Articles on Menopause By Dr. T, in particluar the article The Safety and Effectiveness of Bio-Identical Hormones: Natural (Bio-Identical) vs. Synthetic HRT.)

Nutritional Supplements That Help With Estrogen Deficiency and Hot Flashes

Bioidentical Hormone Replacement From Compounding or Regular Pharmacies

I typically start bioidentical hormone replacement with Biest (a combination of estriol and estradiol) at 1–2.5 mg and natural progesterone at 30–50 mg, delivered in a vaginal cream applied each evening. If needed, 0.5 mg of testosterone can be added for additional support.

This is just one of many effective dosing options. Another approach is using an estrogen patch along with Prometrium (100–200 mg) at bedtime, both of which are available at regular pharmacies.

Or, If you prefer not to take the hormones, take one of the following:

Black Cohosh

Try Remifemin, a specialized form of Black Cohosh by Nature’s Way, known for its effectiveness in reducing hot flashes. Start with two tablets twice daily for the first two months. Once you notice improvement, you can reduce the dose to one tablet twice daily for ongoing support.


Edamame, also known as soybean pods, are a delicious and natural way to boost estrogen levels. You can find them in the frozen food section of most supermarkets or health food stores. Simply eat the tender beans inside (not the shell), enjoying a handful each day for a natural estrogen boost.

These nutrient-rich beans are a staple appetizer in Japanese cuisine and have long been used by Japanese women to help manage menopause symptoms. Plus, they’re a tasty and healthy snack!

Jacob Teitelbaum, MD

is one of the world's leading integrative medical authorities on fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue. He is the lead author of eight research studies on their effective treatments, and has published numerous health & wellness books, including the bestseller on fibromyalgia From Fatigued to Fantastic! and The Fatigue and Fibromyalgia Solution. His newest book (June 10, 2024) is You Can Heal From Long COVID. Dr. Teitelbaum is one of the most frequently quoted fibromyalgia experts in the world and appears often as a guest on news and talk shows nationwide including Good Morning America, The Dr. Oz Show, Oprah & Friends, CNN, and Fox News Health.

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