Broadcast Media Appearances
Dr. Teitelbaum has done hundreds of TV and radio appearances including CNN, FOX News, Oprah and Friends with Dr. Oz, and numerous other nationally syndicated programs. Click the links below to watch and listen to samples of his appearances.
Resiliency Radio with Dr. Jill: Dr. Teitelbaum talks treatments for Fatigue, FMS & Long Covid! (podcast)
Jill Carnahan MD
Healing Your Digestion with Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum - Part 1 (podcast)
Intelligent Medicine
Intelligent Medicine | Healing Your Digestion with Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum - Part 2 (podcast)
Intelligent Medicine
Why Some People Feel Cold All the Time (podcast)
Real Daily
The Painful Truth of Living with Chronic Pain (podcast)
Apple Podcast
From Fatigued to Fantastic with Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum (podcast)
Thyroid Answers
Adult Diabetes with Jacob Tietelbaum (podcast)
Stay Young America
Jacob Teitelbaum, M.D. GMA , Talks Functional Medicine Approaches for Alzheimer's & Dementia (podcast)
Building Abundant Success
Optimizing Adrenal Health: The Power of Lifestyle Changes with Dr. Izabella Wentz (podcast)
Player FM
The SHINE Protocal with Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum (podcast)
Post Viral Podcast
How sugar causes cravings and insulin resistance: Dr. Teitelbaum (podcast)
Life After Sugar Podcast
How to manage chronic pain and fibromyalgia with Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum (podcast, 2023-01)
Player FM
MECFS POTS Fibromyalgia Sleep normalisation explained by Dr Jacob Teitelbaum (podcast, 2022-11)
Wisdom From The Other Side Podcast (also published at CFS Unraveled)
Healthy Holiday Tips With Jacob Teitelbaum, MD (podcast, 2022-11)
Late Night Health Radio Show
Integrative Physician Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum Talks Chronic Illness, S.H.I.N.E.®, Healing & Selfcare (podcast, 2022-11)
"What We Can Learn About Long-Covid from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome," a podcast interview with Dr. T on Natural Medicine Journal (print version also available as pdf download).
Dr. T interviewed on the "Long Covid Podcast":
Dr. Teitelbaum discusses lifestyle changes used to treat Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia, and Long COVID (2022-06):
Bloom (video 2022-05)
WTTA-TV (Dr. T's segment begins at the 12:02:15 time mark)
Success Made to Last Author's Corner Dr. Jacob Teitlebaum- Author of Fatigued to Fantastic (podcast, 2022-04)
iHeart Radio
From Fatigued to Fantastic (podcast, 2022-03)
The Donna Seebo Show
Dr. T discusses long COVID and its similarities to CFS on PLS podcast with Dean L. Fanelli, Ph.D (2021/11)
Politics & Life Sciences (PLS) Radio
How Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum Uses His S.H.I.N.E.® Protocol to Treat Long-Hauler Covid Syndrome (2021/10)
Naturally Savvy
Bit Chute | Jacob Teitelbaum, Persistent COVID Symptoms & Solutions (video)
The ToddCast: Getting sick and tired of COVID yet? (2021/08)
Insider in the Afternoon (Dr. T begins at 17:45 minutes)
Dr. Teitelbaum Talks About New Treatment (2021/07)
Wisdom From The Other Side Podcast
Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum's 3 Steps to Happiness—Sarah Hiner Talks to Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum (2021/04)
Bottom Line Inc
Your Health With Dr. Richard and Cindy Becker (2021/02)
Better sleep for couples series: Snoring solutions with Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum (2021/02)
Why Am I Always So Tired and Fatigued? (2021/01)
Late Night Health Radio Show
Two Roads Diverged, Part 2: Integrative Doctors and Hypothyroidism (2020/12)
Thyroid Deep Dive
Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum's 3 Steps to Happiness—Sarah Hiner Talks to Dr. T (2020/12)
Bottom Line Inc
Radio clip from Smart Talk 1490 AM (KMET) (12/2020)
Long Haul Syndrome from Covid-19 (12/2020)
InnoVIsion Health Media (YouTube))
Jacob Teitelbaum, MD, Conquering Fatigue & Fibromyalgia, 11/2020
Bit Chute
When can you workout after you have had Covid?, 2020/11
Lori Corbin Facebook video
Zoom Interview with Jacob Teitelbaum Discussing Long COVID, 10/2020
5 Day Wellness
Womens Hormone Health with Renee Greenberg, 10/2020
Women's Hormone Health
NutraVideo: Zinc, vitamin D are key in COVID fight, 10/2020
Nutra Ingredients (USA)
Beating Post-COVID Fatigue Syndrome-Sarah Hiner Talks to Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum, 10/2020
Bottom Line Secrets
Fighting post-viral fatigue, 10/2020
CBS 6 News (WRGB-TV)
Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum on Chronic Pain & Long Hauler Syndrome with Covid-19, 9/2020
Healing Quest Podcast
Speaker Spotlight, 8/2020
The Fibro Summit
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: The Disease No Doctor Wants to See, 9/2020
The Smartest Doctor in the Room
Season 1, Episode 23 - Special Guest Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum, 8/2020
Practical Wellness with Jaya Jaya Myra
Use Sleep to Strengthen Your Defense System-Sarah Hiner Talks to Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum, 8/2020
Bottom Line Secrets
The Human Energy Crisis–Fatigue, Pain and Fibromyalgia, 4/2020
Late Night Health Radio
A Look At Covid-19 With Jacob Teitelbaum, M.D., 4/2020
Late Night Health Radio
Conquering Chronic Fatigue from the Master—Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum, 3/2020
BottomLine Inc.
CBD; Bamboo Bandages; Pili Nuts; Fillo's Beans; Dr. T on Aging, 3/2019
iHeart Radio
Chronic Fatigue/FIbromyalgia Answers and Protect Local Farmers, 3/2019
Voice America's The Wellness Connection
Benefits of Sex Hormones in Treating Fibromyalgia, 10/2018
Fibromyalgia can be addressed effectively by optimizing the hormones in the body; particularly the "sex" hormones of estrogen, progesterone and testosterone. By doing this, you restore the body's energy production capabilities.
Media Distortion and Deception Against Supplements, Part 1, 6/2018
A recent study was widely reported by the media as demonstrating that "most vitamins are ineffective." Dr. T weighs in with a critique, saying it's part of a larger problem of media distortion and deception. His suggestion: Tune out, and look for more reliable sources of information.
NSAID's and Heart Attack Risks, 7/2017
Interview with Dr. T on It's Your Health radio show with host Lisa Davis, 5/2016
Educating Physicians on CFS Diagnosis and Treatment
Dr. T discusses educating physicians so they can recognize and understand CFS and Fibromyalgia in children and adults. Health Professional Radio, 4/2016
Treat Chronic Fatigue Syndrome in Kids and Teens with SHINE Protocols
Dr. T talks about an effective treatment that is now available using the research-proven S.H.I.N.E. protocol, which was published in the peer-reviewed Journal of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome. Health Professional Radio, 4/2016
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome in Kids and Teens
Dr. T iscusses a study by researchers at the University of Bristol (UK) that sheds light on the prevalence of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (CFS) in children and teens. Health Professional Radio, 4/2016
Iodine and Hypothyroidism
Dr. Teitelbaum talks about hypothyroidism and the role iodine plays in the condition. HPR FM, 1/2016
Iodine and Health: Supplements — What, When and Why
Dr. Teitelbaum discusses supplementation and getting the right balance of minerals in the diet. HPR FM, 1/2016
Iodine: What Happens if You Don't Get Enough
Dr. Teitelbaum discusses the vital role iodine plays in the body and what happens if you don't get enough. HPR FM, 1/2016
Beating Sugar Addiction, Part 1
Intelligent Medicine with host Dr. Ronald Hoffman, 9/2015
Angina: Understanding & Naturally Treating Your Chest Pains
Dr. Holly Lucille Show, Radio MD, 1/2015
Dr. T Discusses Alzheimer's and Dementia Treatment
Take Charge of Your Health with host Corinne Funari (WBAI Radio NYC), 1/2015
The National Energy Crisis, plus Dr. T Comments on a Recent Stanford Study Showing Physical Changes in the Brains of CFS Patients
The Wellness Connection, 11/2014
Dr. T Discusses Arthritis
David Essel Alive! Talk Radio, 8/2014
Natural Protocol for Alzheimer's, Dementia & Brain Health
Building Abundant Success!! with Sabrina-Marie Wilson, 6/2014
The Hidden Costs of Insomnia
Dr. Holly Lucille Show, Radio MD, 6/2014
Mannose: Natural Way to Cure Bladder Infections
Dr. Holly Lucille Show, Radio MD, 4/2014
MAN-o-pause: Low T & Testosterone Replacement
Dr. Holly Lucille Show, Radio MD, 2/2014
Treating Menopause
Dr. Holly Lucille Show, Radio MD, 1/2014
Modern Day Thyroid Disease: Taking a Closer Look
Dr. Holly Lucille Show, Radio MD, 1/2014
What Women Must Know — The Fatigue and Fibromyalgia Solution with Dr. Jacob Teitelbaum
Progressive Radio Network, 12/2013
Sleep, the Best Medicine Around!
Dr. Holly Lucille Show, Radio MD, 12/2013
Have A Happy Energized Holiday Season!!
Building Abundant Success!! with Sabrina-Marie Wilson, 12/2013
Should You Be Getting a "Tune Up" Instead of a Checkup? Part 2
Dr. Holly Lucille Show, Radio MD, 12/2013
Dr. Teitelbaum discusses how to treat low testosterone with host Holly Lucille, MD
Dr. Holly Lucille Show, Radio MD, 11/2013
Dr. Teitelbaum discusses CFS and his new book The Faitigue and Fibromyalgia Soltution in an interview with Dr. Park
Dr. Steven Park, 9/2013
Dr. Teitelbaum discusses the root causes of illness with hosts Joe and Terry Graedon
The People's Pharmacy, 8/2013
Lisa Davis, MPH of It's Your Health Network discusses fibromyalgia with Dr. T
It's Your Health Network, 8/2013 (26 minutes)
Dr. T disucusses a range of topics including natural alternatives for improving health, energy production and other topics
On Air with Douglas, 6/2013 (80 minutes)
Natural Cures to Build the Immune System
Building Abundant Success!! with Sabrina-Marie Wilson, 6/2013
(33 minutes)
Dr. T discusses cancer-related fatigue with host Lise Alschuler, ND of Natural Medicine Journal
Five to Thrive Live, 4/2013
(50 minutes)
"Fighting Chronic Fatigue Syndrome," with host Melanie Cole, MS
Radio MD, 2/4/2013
"The Effects of Alcohol on Your Sleep," with host Melanie Cole, MS
Radio MD, 2/4/2013
"Essential Winter Supplements," with host Melanie Cole, MS
Radio MD, 11/5/2012
"Trouble Conceiving? Treatments Available for Infertility," with host Melanie Cole, MS
Radio MD, 11/26/2012
Dr. T discusses fibromyalgia pain with host Dr. Carl O. Helvie
The Holistic Health Show, 10/2012
(52 minutes)
Dr. T discusses a recent study on fibromyalgia and energy, and his foundation's new study on treating autism with NAET
The Frankie Bower Show, 5/2012 (45 minutes total, Dr. T in first half)
Dr. T is interviewed on the topic "Hope for Those Dealing With Chronic Pain"
Wellness Times, 4/2012
(13 minutes)
Dr. T discusses the importance of hormone health in an interview with Sabrina-Marie Wilson
Building Abundant Success!, 4/2012
(37 minutes)
Dr. T joins host Julianna Lyddon in a discussion on America's energy crisis
Connect with Julianna, 2/17/2012
(58 minutes)
"Why You're In Pain And What To Do About It"
Sundays with Sonewald, 1/19/2012
(30 minutes)
Dr. T discusses tips for boosting energy in an interview with Sabrina-Marie Wilson
Building Abundant Success! 10/3/2011
(23 minutes)
Dr. T discusses thyroid issues, Curcumin and inflammation
Healthy by Nature (1 hour)
Dr. T discusses common illnesses and their root causes and natural (often inexpensive) cures
The Jim Bohannon Show, 9/19/2011,
(1 hour, 11 minutes)
Dr. T discusses his new book, Real Cause, Real Cure, in an interview with Sabrina-Marie Wilson
Building Abundant Success! 7/2011,
(27 minutes)
Exciting New Discovery in Treating CFS & Fibromyalgia
Dr. T discusses his new theory of treating CFS and fibromyalgia using statins, CoQ10 and pregnenolone, 5/21/2011
(13 minutes)
Dr. T discusses SHINE, Ribose and a recent PACE Study that has some in the media erroneously suggesting that CFS is an emotional disorder (unbelievably wrong) with host Susan Bilheimer
Invisible Illness Podcast (Part 1), 3/07/2011
(20 minutes)
Dr. T shares his personal story with CFS. Also, how you can get well or at least manage CFS, the role of adrenal exhaustion in CFS, chemical and food sensitivities, and sleep difficulty
Invisible Illness Podcast (Part 2), 3/16/2011
(21 minutes)
Dr. Teitelbaum discusses sugar addiction with hosts Joe and Terry Graedon
The People's Pharmacy, 2/12/2011 (19 minutes)
Dr. Teitelbaum discusses CFS, fibromyalgia and his SHINE protocol in a teleseminar with hosts Rozalyn Asams and Lela Bryan
Menopause Summit 2, 2/03/2011
(1 hour, 12 minutes)
Dr. Teitelbaum discusses how to treat chronic pain with host David Steinman
Green Patriot Radio, 11/29/2010
(12 minutes)
Dr. Teitelbaum discusses tips for beating sugar addiction with host Jimmy Moore
The Livin' la Vida Low-Carb Show, 11/4/2010
(41 minutes)
Dr. Teitelbaum discusses sugar addiction with host Jo Davidson
Zentertainment Talk Radio, 9/17/2010 (23 minutes)
Dr. Teitelbaum discusses sugar addiction and his new book "Beat Sugar Addiction Now!"
Skinny Scoopers Interview with Chris and Lisa, 3/2010 (9 minutes)
Dr. Teitelbaum discusses sleep issues in CFS and fibromyalgia
Dr. Steven Park's Miniseries "Eat Better, Sleep Better, Live Better," 9/15/2009
(1 hour 2 minutes)
Dr. Teitelbaum discusses chronic pain
KGO Joanie Greggains, 7/18/2009
(52 minutes)
"Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia,"
hosts Joe and Terry Graedon interview Dr. T
People's Pharmacy, 5/23/2009
(37 minutes)
FOX NEWS Ask Dr. Manny
April 8, 2009 (1 minute, 12 seconds)
ABC Good Morning America
February 26, 2009 (6 minute, 54 seconds)
FOX 6 News San Diego, CA
March 25, 2008 (5 minutes, 48 seconds)
February 25, 2008 (3 minutes, 52 seconds)
ABC 7 News this Morning
WLS Chicago, August 3, 2007 (4 minutes, 3 seconds)
NBC 5 Chicago News
WMAQ Chicago, August 4, 2007 (2 minutes, 41 seconds)
Dr. T discusses achieving greater
health through holistic medicine (interview with host Dr. Mike Kell)
Brain & Body with the Doctor (55 minutes)
Dr. T discusses Chronic Fatigue
Syndrome with host Dr. Mike Kell
Brain & Body with the Doctor, Voice America Health & Wellness (57 minutes)
The diagnosis and treatment of hypothyroidism
XM Radio 157 (13 minutes)
The diagnosis and treatment of adrenal insufficiency
XM Radio 157 (13 minutes)
the Myths of Chronic Fatigue
XM Radio 157 (13 minutes)
The latest research and treatment
of chronic fatigue
XM Radio 157 (13 minutes)
Dr. T discusses his book, Pain Free 1-2-3: A Proven Program
for Eliminating Chronic Pain Now
XM Radio 157 (13 minutes)
How to treat insomnia
XM Radio 157 (13 minutes)
Dr. T discusses his 4-step natural program to treat arthritis
XM Radio 157 (13 minutes)
Newsy | Fighting COVID-10 (Video interview with Dr. T)

Other Video Downloads
6-Part Series on "It's Time for Herman & Sharron" (Christian Television Network)
"It's Time for Herman & Sharron" Part 1
January, 2012 (30 minutes)
"It's Time for Herman & Sharron" Part 2
January, 2012 (30 minutes)
"It's Time for Herman & Sharron" Part 3
January, 2012 (30 minutes)
"It's Time for Herman & Sharron" Part 4
January, 2012 (30 minutes)
"It's Time for Herman & Sharron" Part 5
January, 2012 (30 minutes)
"It's Time for Herman & Sharron" Part 6
January, 2012 (30 minutes)