Seeking Participants for New Fibromyalgia Treatment Study
I'd like to invite you to be part of a new fibromyalgia treatment study, one that you can easily do from the comfort of your home. (If you already know about this and want to participate, click here to sign up.)
I have had the honor of knowing Dr. Gaetano Morello, a practicing physician for several decades and a clinician at the Complex Chronic Disease Program at BC Women's Hospital in Vancouver. Their program treats and researches fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, myalgic encephalomyelitis, and chronic Lyme disease. I have found him to be incredibly knowledgeable and credible, as well as having a very sweet and caring soul.
When speaking with him last year, Dr. Morello told me how he serendipitously found that a unique natural (animal sourced) treatment being used for malnourished people was also surprisingly and dramatically helping the people with fibromyalgia that he treats. He was seeing improvements in fatigue, post exertion malaise, brain fog and pain. When they ran out of this unique therapy, symptoms returned and the people taking it were desperate to get more. So he found a source and now their symptoms are once again spectacularly improving.
I told him that we really need to do a study on this, and he agreed. So now we are! And we have also created a way to make the treatment available for people long term.
Being in the study is easy. You simply take four capsules twice a day for six weeks (the dose will be a bit higher for the first five days). As our way of thanking you for being in the study, we'll give you an additional bottle of the supplement for free after you complete the study. And unlike many other studies, this supplement will continue to be available for those who want it after the study ends.
Qualifying to participate in the study is easy:
- You have chronic fatigue syndrome or fibromyalgia.
- You have no history of serious clotting problems (phlebitis or lung clots).
- You are at least 18 yourself, and not pregnant (although no problems would be anticipated if taking the nutritional supplement used in this study even if you are pregnant).
- You are not taking the blood thinner Coumadin (other blood thinners are okay).
Dr. Morello finds that about 3/4 of people taking this supplement improve with a 40% average increase in quality of life. Many have even more dramatic improvement than that. It has been well tolerated, with no significant side effects (one out of the 130 people he treated had mild anxiety).
To sign up for this free study and get your life back, simply tell us you'd like to volunteer using the contact form at the bottom of this page. Please also share this invitation with your friends. Hurry though, as we are limiting the study to the first 60 people who ask to join and a good number of folks who heard about it early have already signed up.
Click here to sign up or to ask for more information.
Study Title
"The Use of Recovery Factors in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and Fibromyalgia. Symptoms and Antibody Levels: A Pilot Study"
Sponsors and Investigators
Jacob Teitelbaum, MD and Gaetano Morello, ND
Purpose of the Study
The purpose of this research study is to determine the potential benefit of "Recovery Factors," a nutritional supplement (derived from porcine serum), to people who have CFS or fibromyalgia. Anyone reading this who has been diagnosed with CFS or fibromyalgia is invited to volunteer to be a subject this study. For most study participants, no blood testing will be needed (though a subgroup of 10 participants who have already volunteered to do so will have blood testing performed to assess effects on antibody levels pre-and post- the Recovery Factors study).
Most people with fibromyalgia who have already taken the nutritional supplement that Recovery Factors is based on have had a dramatic improvement in quality of life. The information from this research study may lead to Recovery Factors being offered as an option for people with fibromyalgia.
Description of the Study
Approximately 60-80 people with CFS or fibromyalgia will participate in this study. Ten will be those with known low antibody levels. Participation in this study will last six weeks for those who are not having blood testing, or 12 weeks for those who are. Participants must be over 18 and not pregnant (although no problems are expected or have been seen with pregnancy and use of this supplement), and must not have had a history of severe blood clots (to the lungs or leg phlebitis).
How to Participate in This Study — It's Easy!
If you think you meet the requirements described above to participate in our study and you would like to volunteer, please contact us through the form below. You can also use this form to send us any questions you may have on the study or your qualifications. Those who volunteer to participate will be sent a registration form that includes questions about your current symptoms and a consent form to participate.
The study is done completely by mail and online. All you will need to do is:
- Fill out some simple forms and questionnaires (takes about 15-20 minutes).
- We will send you a free six week supply of the nutritional supplement used in the treatment (four capsules taken twice a day morning and early afternoon). No blood testing is needed.
- You'll stay on your current fibromyalgia treatments without adding new fibromyalgia treatments for the six weeks of the study.
- A day or two before you run out of the supplement, you'll fill out a simple 10-15 minute questionnaire and send it to us. After that, we'll send you a third bottle for free (if you find that it helps).
And that's it. Easy as can be!
Click here to sign up or to ask for more information.
This web page requesting volunteers to be study participants has been published for a few days and we have received over 800 responses so far, many of which were questions about the study. To address these, we have created a Frequently Asked Questions page. If you have a question that is not answered there, please contact us using the "sign up or ask for information" form.
Recovery Factors Study Protocol Suggestions
For many years we have seen people from all walks of life with vastly different conditions all benefit from use of the product. People with no health conditions or ailments also benefit in numerous ways — including:
- Lifting of moods
- Improved sleep
- Improved digestion
- Increased physical and mental energy
- Improved strength and endurance
- Improved recovery from any kind of physical, emotional or mental stress
- Improved levels of focus and concentration
- and various other ways, depending on the person and what they notice*
People with all sorts of conditions have benefitted in all sorts of ways. There are hundreds of types of conditions and thousands of people who have benefitted. Conditions vary enormously:
- People with fibromyalgia have returned to normal life with a vast amount of relief.
- Someone with a gastric reflux condition (for 12 years) felt 100% relief from day 2 and it has not returned in the past 3 years.
- People with ulcerative colitis (one lady had it for 33 years) have experienced massive symptomatic relief in the first week.
- People with skin conditions have seen improvement (varies depending on the condition and the person — from 100% elimination to only mild benefit in some cases).
- People with patch balding have seen restoration of hair growth in many cases (not all).
- Many people with ADHD have felt a normalization.
- People with hormone imbalance have seen a balancing or vast improvement.
- People with organ failure have seen restored functionality.
- People with sarcopenia have gained muscle.
- People with mood swings have seen a stabilization.
- People with erratic sleep have had deep sleep for the first time in years.
- People with gangrene and massive infection have cleared up that infection quite quickly once they started taking the product.
- It has helped people struggling to detox or in withdrawal, to cope.
- These are just samples of the various conditions. Of course, it has helped people recover from serious operations and serious injury in record time as well.*
The same basic protocol was given to everyone within my own realm of experience. Many people had no protocol whatsoever and simply took a variable dose when it suited them and in accordance with how many they felt they should take, so protocol is pretty variable — which is in effect a protocol on its own.
The experiences in very general terms are as follows:
Day 1:
- The first day people sleep deeply and very well, waking up refreshed.
- Energy levels for most people improve within a few hours, noticing the "3 o'clock slump" not happening anymore.
- Concentration levels improve within a few hours for most.
- Strength and endurance levels increase from the first dose – we have seen athletes (such as cyclists, swimmers and weight lifters) break personal records after their first dose.*
Day 2:
- There seems to be an increase in nitric oxide levels as many impotent men have woken up with erections the next day for the first time in many years.
- Overnight recovery seems improved from general fatigue levels with generally better sleep than normal on the first night, therefore greater clarity, mood and energy levels.
- There is usually a shift in digestion — many people go to the toilet a few times the next day, those with constipation tend to find some relief.
- Recovery from anything stressful the previous day is vastly improved – especially muscle soreness levels being much lower than normal.*
Day 3:
- For some people strong symptoms associated with their condition diminish anywhere from this point on.
- Digestion issues tend to be vastly improved by this point.
- Appetite tends to shift (if it is going to) from this point on.
- Continued general recovery to higher levels.*
Day 4:
- The first 3 days seem to have a lot of smaller activity going on but generally by the end of day 3 / beginning of day 4 there is a pretty big shift in general inflammation and pain levels — this is especially noted with people who take the advice of increasing the dosage for the first 3 days and who take the product regularly during these 3 days.
- Overall feelings of general wellbeing seem to improve after the first 3 days.
- Moods tend to become more stable.
- Energy levels are good and people tend to feel a bit stronger and have more mobility.*
Click here to sign up or to ask for more information.
Protocols — Please Use This Dosing for the Study
Based on what we have seen, the first 3 days are pretty important, with a lot of changes going on. The product is easily used up during that period, given how much is going on in the body, so we recommend the flowing protocol:
Day 1-3: Take 4 tablets, 3 times a day = 12 tablets per day (for 3 days).
Day 4-5: Take note of the condition. If no relief is experienced then take note of energy levels — if energy levels at least are improved, then continue the same dosage for day 4 and 5, if no energy improvement, increase the dosage to 5 tablets, 3 times a day for day 4 and 5 = 15 tablets per day. (increased energy levels is the usual barometer that the person has taken enough — it is possible that it is all used up in the body and there isn’t sufficient excess for increased energy levels).
Day 6: Drop to 4 tablets twice per day = 8 tablets per day. If relief is not already felt then it is simply going to take longer and one needs to be patient as the higher dosage has been ineffective. For most people there should be some sort of relief at this point.
It is recommended to take the doses first thing in the morning, on an empty stomach and around 3 pm in the afternoon. (for a small number who have too much energy at night or suffer from mild anxiety (as in the one case in a thousand who feels agitation — seemingly as a result of too much serotonin), take it closer to lunch-time or with lunch, the excess amino acids are then used up and the person feels normal).
Mitigating Factors:
- There is a difference between active people and sedentary people, we have seen that the sooner people become active (even mildly active), the more they improve.
- Exercise does consume the protein, which is then used for repair and recovery of damage caused by the exercise as well as the rest of the functionality — taking higher doses with strenuous exercise is recommended.
- Taking it on an empty stomach and with food does make a difference to the person and how they respond — for most, taking it on an empty has a better result.
- There are a few people who feel nauseous when taking high dosages or when taking it on an empty stomach. In the past, the answer has been to either take it with a meal or take very small doses more regularly — which in a lot of cases, helped the person overcome the nausea and they were able to start taking higher doses in a week or two.
- Increasing overall water intake is recommended, unless already quite high.
- For people with chronic inflammation, we have noted that on some occasions when the inflammation did not want to disappear, a change in the diet helped. We then developed the following dietary protocol which had very good results. For the first 3 days, have absolutely nothing but a "neutral fruit" diet consisting of fresh neutral fruits and an oil such as avocado oil, coconut or olive oil, "neutral fruits" being:
- Tomatoes
- Cucumbers
- Red Bell Peppers
- Avocados
- Lettuce (not a fruit, but always added — being cleansing and turning the meal into a proper salad)
- No diet changes are required for the product to work, but people often voluntarily change their diet — reducing the amount of sugar intake voluntarily often happens.

Jacob Teitelbaum, M.D. is one of the world's leading integrative medical authorities on fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue. He is the lead author of eight research studies on their effective treatments, and has published numerous health & wellness books, including the bestseller on fibromyalgia From Fatigued to Fantastic! and The Fatigue and Fibromyalgia Solution. His newest book (June 10, 2024) is You Can Heal From Long COVID. Dr. Teitelbaum is one of the most frequently quoted fibromyalgia experts in the world and appears often as a guest on news and talk shows nationwide including Good Morning America, The Dr. Oz Show, Oprah & Friends, CNN, and Fox News Health.